Is your contract heading for a costly breakdown?

Only by conducting periodic checks can we know whether we are going to run into potential problems down the road - if it's your car or your latest construction contract.
Imagine if your never checked what's happening under your car's bonnet or bothered with an annual service? You'd never know about any problems that need fixing so, chances are, you'd be heading for a costly breakdown at the most inconvenient moment - just when you need it least.
Construction contracts are pretty similar in this sense. They are equally complicated so you should apply the same logic of doing regular checks to keep them progressing smoothly, rather than ending up in the hard shoulder with a big bill to pay.
By undertaking periodic progress reviews as the project unfolds, you will be able to identify and notify of anything that will affect progress. You'll know these things early enough to be able to take action and avoid getting stung and we can help with our Monthly Progress Audit service.
Find out more about Monthly Progress Auditing.
Why your contract needs periodic progress reviews
Your contract terms will require you to identify and notify things that are affecting or will affect contract progress. We can evaluate your progress against the contract programme and, if a delay is identified early on, we will give you time to correct it and put actions in place to catch up.
By conducting periodic progress reviews, you not only have the records of progress, but also the very purpose of project progress reviewing means you will identify, track and warn against potentially problematic events as early as possible. This can often take care of any notification requirements to employers of issues on site and satisfy the contractual requirements in this regard.
Of course, there may be specific requirements which notices are to comply with, and Quantum can help you comply with these on a case by case basis, but the critical tools for identifying the issues in the first instance remain the same.
Part of our Bundle of Services
Monthly Progress Auditing is a key part of our Bundle of Services designed to help Sub-Contractors and Contractors protect themselves across the board in construction projects, helping to ensure their services can be delivered as promised with the minimum fuss or risk of financial loss.These start before you agree to work on the project with our Contract Vetting service and also includes services for Project Liability Auditing and Final Account Control, right through to Retention Fund Management at the end.
For a free initial consultation regarding any of our services, contact Quantum CPM on 0161 974 6655 or email .
Find out more about our Bundle of Services.